Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Healthy, Yummy!- Rosemary Pork Chops

When you think of healthy food normally you think bland blah food, but my goal is to find healthy yet yummy dishes. We eat relatively healthy so I have lots of recipes I'll be sharing overtime. The first recipe is...drumroll... Rosemary Pork Chops! (I had to do that)

This recipe is yummy, has lots of flavor, and only takes 20 mins to make! I don't use measurements for this recipe, I just eyeball it.

Rosemary Pork Chops:
  • 4 Boneless Pork Chops (about an inch thick, and the size of the palm of your hand)
  • Olive Oil
  • Fresh Garlic
  • Fresh Rosemary
  • Fresh Black Pepper
Preheat oven to 375°
First step is to thaw your pork chops. The best way to do this is place them in the baking pan you want to use, cover them, and place them in the refrigerator overnight. I use a pyrex glass dish.

Second, drizzle olive oil over each pork chop, just enough to coat them and rub the pork chop in the oil so the bottom gets coated too (helps them from sticking to the pan).

Third, smash and cut up the fresh garlic. I added one clove; garlic has a strong flavor so add to your liking. Sprinkle the garlic evenly on top of the pork chops. How to chop garlic:
Smash the garlic clove with the palm of your hand...
This will make the skin come off nice and easy
Chop the garlic into small pieces
Fourth, add the rosemary. We are lucky enough to have a rosemary bush in our backyard, so we're able to just pick it from there.
(pic found here)
You can just pick up some fresh rosemary from any grocery store. You can used dried rosemary but it doesn't taste as good to me. Rosemary has a very strong flavor, like garlic, so sprinkle the rosemary to your liking.
Sprinkle black pepper to taste and bake for 20-25 mins, depending on your oven. Bake until no longer pink. Let the meat rest for a couple minutes and enjoy! I served mine with butternut squash and green beans.
(Sorry it's not the best picture)
  • If you have enough time, or remember too (unlike me), you can mix the olive oil, garlic, rosemary, and pepper together to make somewhat of a paste. Spread the paste evenly over the pork chops and place the in a freezer bag, and then place in the fridge over night. By the time you're ready to cook them they will have even more amazing flavor.
  • A tip on healthy eating that I do is my portion control. I choose to eat on a smaller salad sized plate to be sure I don't over do it.
I am not a professional chef, as you can tell by my amazing instructions (j/k), but I promise my dishes are yummy! Leave a comment with any questions you have.


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